Physical stores will no longer be "stores."

The original purpose of physical storefronts was primarily for inventory storage, serving as accessible locations for shoppers. However, escalating property leases have prompted retailers to downsize, discovering that reduced inventory isn't necessarily a drawback.

With advancements in retail and inventory technologies, retailers can efficiently store inventory in warehouses and fulfill orders directly to customers, even those initiated in-store. Despite the prevalence of online shopping, physical stores remain relevant as they serve as crucial branding platforms.

Today, stores are increasingly viewed as investments in marketing and customer experience, acting as tangible extensions of the brand. This trend is evident in fashion capitals like Paris and Milan, where the in-store experience offers more than just online browsing, emphasizing architecture, product touchpoints, and exclusivity. Expect mainstream retailers to follow suit, innovating to distinguish their stores in the coming years.

Note : This information is sourced from Forbes magazine